Friday, October 7, 2011

Sarah Jane Dias Hot Pics

Hot Celebs with Freckles

Do you like girls freckles? If you do, you will definitely enjoy this awesome selection of hot celebs with freckles.

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Girls with Beautiful Hair

WHAT does Marriage means

Old nuclear power plant transformed into a theme park and hotel

A disused nuclear power station in Germany has been converted into the Wunderland Kalkar amusement park, following the government's decision to abandon all nuclear energy plants. Wunderland Kalkar is most likely the first of many more creative conversions to come,

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Tricked Out Romanian Carriage

Technology has made backing your carriage into the tool shed soo much easier these days. But, seriously, this guy must have the sweetest ride in the whole village. Big ups.

Pencak Silat

When It Rains, Love Pours

I love the raindrops
They make a pretty sound
Falling from the heavens
Puddles to be found

The dangerous of all

A dietician was once addressing a large audience in Chicago. “The material we put into our stomach is enough to have killed most of us sitting here, years ago.

The First Manager paid by none .W_O_M_E_N

Once apon a time when GOD already created the Earth
He created water to drink, sun to light and air to breath
then he created plants, animals and all other beautiful nature
He took a break while he wanted to make his best creature